Thursday 16 February 2012

New blog

I'm back on Blogger, after being on tumblr for a little while, so please check out my new blog over at

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Review

Crysis 2 is a fantastic game, and the multiplayer is surprisingly good for a no'n-multiplayer oriented game. The graphics are fantastic, of course, and there are quite a few interesting takes on the normal multiplayer modes. The two game modes I play the most are Crash Site, which is like Domination i.e. you have to capture a point but the point moves around, and Instant Action, which is similar to Team Deathmatch.

 There is an interesting gun variety and the upgrades system is good, but what distinguishes Crysis 2 MP from all other MPs is the Nanosuit. It adds a whole new level to the game, for people who want to go Rambo-style or be sneaky-sneaky. There are 2 modules in this game, instead of 4 in Crysis. The 2 modules are Armor, to increase defense, and Cloak, which is good for sneaking.

 I do think, however, that the guns that are unlocked for you up to level 10 are underpowered and it's a lot harder to get kills than in other games at the beginning. As you play on, Crysis 2 will grip you and you will become more skilled with the Nanosuit and the weapons, which will lead to you enjoying Crysis 2 thoroughly.

Score: 82/100
Verdict: A very good multiplayer which is unique.

Sunday 4 September 2011

New York

Well, it's been a while since I posted, but life's been hectic.

I went to New York City in June/July and it reminded me of how much I like that city. I don't know if it's the atmosphere, the architecture or simply the environs itself, but New York is definitely my favourite city in the world. I dream to study at Columbia University in the City of New York, not just for the standard of education, but also to live in New York.

While I was there I read The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger and I must say, it's a good book. The apathy of Holden Caulfield, the antagonistic protagonist, is one of the best captivations of emotion in a book I've seen. This book is a sad on a different kind of level than the usual kind of sadness, and I highly recommend reading it, especially if you go to New York.

Another culture reference to New York is Castle, which is a TV series starring Nathan Fillion as Rick Castle, the roguish crime writer who is tagging along with the homicide squad at New York's 12th precinct police station (for inspiration), and Stana Katic as Kate Beckett, the sassy detective who Castle bases one of his protagonists on. With assistance from Castle, the team solve murders, but the main reason to watch the show is for the back-and-forth between Beckett and  Castle, and to see New York.

I suppose everyone has a favourite city, and mine is New York. The combination of architectural and natural beauty, and the ambiance and symbolic skyline draw me.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Fame: The sad truth

I am an active member of Youtube, and I have noticed that people will do pretty much anything for fame (people who do giveaways and have less then 10000 subs, I'm looking at you). There has been a lot of controversy in the last few months about people doing giveaways, basically buying headsets or something like that, and then making people subscribe and favourite their video to get the prize. That kind of whoring is just sick, and it has lead me to think: fame makes people do crazy things. Even worse than that, was the supposed "suicide livestream" where somebody was supposedly going to stream their own suicide. It is easy to see they were just bluffing, but it is still sick. I don't get why people are so limelight-craving. Grow up. Peace. 

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Planes: Rage Time

As much as I love travel, I despise planes (and airports) with a passion. Seriously. I think the airline owners should be dragged out into the street, and killed by a horde of Gummi Bears. That's pain.

Anyway, on to the reasons.
  1. You have to constrict your legs until you get thrombosis.
  2. There are screaming babies everywhere.
  3. The food is so bad, I'd rather starve then consume it.
  4. The air-conditioning is either stiflingly hot, or ice cold.
  5. The air is stale.
  6. It sucks
Airports have got progressively worse and more paranoid over the last 30 years. I hope that, at one point, something will snap and airports will go back to being pleasant. Anyway, enough rage for now. Peace.

Wednesday 29 June 2011


I am currently in Canada, which is pretty awesome. I have just visited Ottawa, the capital, after visiting Quebec City yesterday and Montreal for the first 3 days. I have a few rants about travel that are too short to post as a full post (I don't want to flood my blog with posts that are bitty) ,so here they are:

  • First off, tour groups. Tour groups are the scourge of all independent travellers, because they make all the lines longer, bunch together in front of the site you're trying to take a picture of and generally make everyone else feel uncomfortable. The people who take tours seem to instantly revert to a primitive herd mentality and bunch together like Armageddon will happen if they don't stick with the group. They travel around in big buses that really destroy the atmosphere for everyone else, they make loads of noise and the guides are so boring you want to commit suicide. I hate them.
  • In underdeveloped countries, all the hawkers really get on your nerves.
  • Other things that annoy me when I travel:
  • Tour guides.
  • European waiters.
  • Screaming children. Everywhere.
  • Pompous security guards.
That's all I have for now. Apart from that, travelling is awesome.
Shipping out to NYC tomorrow\:D/

Check out Black Rebel Motorcycle Club-Beat the Devil's Tattoo.

Movie Review: Super 8

JJ Abrams' newest movie,Super 8, is a fun blend of alien and youth adventure movies. It is set in the 70s sometime, and 6 kids are trying to make a horror movie about zombies.  They are filming a scene at a house next to a railway track and a crash occurs, which the director (probably a semi-analogy for Spielberg) thinks is fantastic for his "production value", but has disastrous consequences for his town.
Watch the movie if you want to know the rest, I don't want to spoil it.

I was, however, surprised at how unoriginal Super 8 was. It seems a bit like a tribute to E.T. with bits of Indiana Jones thrown in (not that this is a bad thing), but it is slightly disappointing that Spielberg's nostalgic film tribute doesn't have a great original plot.

Abrams stresses the importance of kindness and understanding for when humans have First Contact. This may seem like a corny idea, but as we progress, we have to keep that in mind... anyway, backt ot the review. There are quite a few tropes of both the alien and youth-adventure genres in Super 8: The bad authority figure (an evil, sadistic USAF colonel), the hopeless parent who is good at heart from the youth-adventure genre and the protagonist who saves the day. The movie is not original in most aspects, as you see, but what saves it is the nostalgic feel and the 70s setting.

Super 8 is not a masterpiece, but it's a fun movie and definitely worth seeing. Peace.


PS: I saw it at the IMAX \:D/.


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