Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Planes: Rage Time

As much as I love travel, I despise planes (and airports) with a passion. Seriously. I think the airline owners should be dragged out into the street, and killed by a horde of Gummi Bears. That's pain.

Anyway, on to the reasons.
  1. You have to constrict your legs until you get thrombosis.
  2. There are screaming babies everywhere.
  3. The food is so bad, I'd rather starve then consume it.
  4. The air-conditioning is either stiflingly hot, or ice cold.
  5. The air is stale.
  6. It sucks
Airports have got progressively worse and more paranoid over the last 30 years. I hope that, at one point, something will snap and airports will go back to being pleasant. Anyway, enough rage for now. Peace.


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