Tuesday 3 May 2011

Intro Blog

Hey everyone, this is my first post on The Rorschach Blog. I hope this blog is succesful in spreading my opinion to everyone and (if i have the right idea) making them think in a different way, but most of all to provide captivating and interesting material to my readers.

I enjoy gaming and pursue many other interests, but let's talk about gaming for now. I watch a lot of Youtube videos; some of my favourite youtubers are Seananners and UberHaxorNova. Check 'em out. I have all 3 major gaming platforms (PC, PS3 and 360) and I enjoy them all, I'm not a ridiculous fanboy. I have a Youtube channel (in my links) which i'm starting to post on, so please check it out and subscribe. My favourite game these days is Bulletstorm, which is great fun and has amazing graphics. I play mainly FPS games, but I do branch out.

I use social media a lot so if you want to follow my journey stay with this blog.

Peace everybody.


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