Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Movie Review: Super 8

JJ Abrams' newest movie,Super 8, is a fun blend of alien and youth adventure movies. It is set in the 70s sometime, and 6 kids are trying to make a horror movie about zombies.  They are filming a scene at a house next to a railway track and a crash occurs, which the director (probably a semi-analogy for Spielberg) thinks is fantastic for his "production value", but has disastrous consequences for his town.
Watch the movie if you want to know the rest, I don't want to spoil it.

I was, however, surprised at how unoriginal Super 8 was. It seems a bit like a tribute to E.T. with bits of Indiana Jones thrown in (not that this is a bad thing), but it is slightly disappointing that Spielberg's nostalgic film tribute doesn't have a great original plot.

Abrams stresses the importance of kindness and understanding for when humans have First Contact. This may seem like a corny idea, but as we progress, we have to keep that in mind... anyway, backt ot the review. There are quite a few tropes of both the alien and youth-adventure genres in Super 8: The bad authority figure (an evil, sadistic USAF colonel), the hopeless parent who is good at heart from the youth-adventure genre and the protagonist who saves the day. The movie is not original in most aspects, as you see, but what saves it is the nostalgic feel and the 70s setting.

Super 8 is not a masterpiece, but it's a fun movie and definitely worth seeing. Peace.


PS: I saw it at the IMAX \:D/.


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